ARCHIMEDES NIX AND THE LOST TABLET OF GILGAMESH My newest book is a thrilling overseas adventure about eleven year old Archie Nix who...

Now Available in the UK!
I am very happy to announce that Rules for My Daughter is now available in the UK through Atlantic Books. Just in time for the Holidays....

LISTEN: Walker Lamond on the Art of Manliness Podcast!
I have been a fan of Brett McKay and his excellent website Art of Manliness for years. I was honored to be a guest on his podcast this...

"Fabulous! And the Perfect Gift!"
Never has more taste and talent been assembled on one vineyard! TSG Editors from across the country assembled in Charlottesville this...

"Fun, inspiring, and insightful!"
"I loved this book. Fun, inspiring, and insightful. [Lamond] knocked another one out of the ballpark with this one." --Brett McKay, Art...

I am pleased to announce that Rules for My Newborn Daughter is now available for pre-order at most fine online booksellers, including:...